Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 16 04/30/2012

The final images have been created and uploaded to the downloads folder of the project.

Creating images with transparent backgrounds that will match a background with different colors has been a challenge. Just because an image looks good on one area of the background, it doesn't mean that you will be able to see it well on any part of the background.

We found that the best way for the words to be legible was to surround black letters with white borders.

The background image had to low of a resolution to be stretched on the whole page, hopefully with the new larger image it will be possible to utilize one large image instead of tiling one small one.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 15

...So I forgot about the blog.

Waikiki aquarium word match is coming along swimmingly. Getting the images to fit well with the background has been difficult. Trial and error has been key.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 3 02/01/2012

Learning to manipulate web apps using eclipse and the google web toolkit.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day ONE!!!

Well, this is day one of what could be a very interesting IT course. We will be covering coding in Java (which I've never done) and then developing with Google Web Toolkit. We will be creating web apps for the Honolulu Hawaii's Waikiki aquarium.